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Enhanced user experience in SAM and new Workflow improvements to the UI and roster documents

V 6.3.48

Introducing our fresh, new user interface in Workflow and enhancing the SRF249 Workforce Report

V 6.3.47

Expanding the SMS management text box for better readability

V 6.3.46

New index changes to support INX+Process updates

V 5.16.5

Introducing our fresh, new user interface and new Permanently Assign feature in SAM roster bookings

V 6.3.45

Virgin Australia Regional Airline No Show integration and new improvements in SAM and Workflow

V 6.3.44

SAM search displays relevant SRF report titles, enhanced SMS functionality for Workflow final approvers

V 6.3.43

Updated approval page for a new Workflow user

V 6.3.42

Improved options for existing future bookings, facilitate bulk room creations with empty templates and fixes

V 6.3.41

Improved room cleaning planner performance and reinstated gender field

V 5.16.4

New integration with Virgin Australia Regional Airlines, new improvements and fixes

V 6.3.40

New SAM and Workflow improvements and fixes

V 6.3.39

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