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18 Oct 2024

View waitlisted seat information in Workflow and new Multiple Remove feature for No show transport bookings

V 6.3.52

Available from 21 October 2024


New features


View waitlisted seat information in Workflow

Final approvers in Workflow can easily view waitlisted seat information through the tooltip pop-up when processing a Site Travel or Folio document. This is available when the following SAM parameters are set to “Y”: AllowWaitlistingOfTransport and AllowMaximumWaitlist.

New Multiple Remove feature for No show transport bookings

You can now select personnel on the SAM | Transport | No Show page and, with the new Multiple Remove button, send these bookings directly to the SAM | Bookings | Multiple Remove page for quicker removal of bookings.

Enhanced Schedule page for simplified maximum waitlist numbers

We have enhanced the Schedule page within Transport Types Active, simplifying how you can update the maximum waitlist number allowed per transport and making it more convenient to adjust the maximum waitlist for individual dates or across a date range. To enhance visibility of your waitlist numbers per transport date, the system will ensure that the new max waitlist value cannot be set lower than the current number of queued waitlists.



Improved Workflow task panel and KPI report for clearer status tracking

We have enhanced the Workflow task panel to display the status of requests more accurately. Now, when a requestor cancels a document pending approval, the “Current Status” column will state “Cancelled by Requestor.”

To further improve status tracking we have introduced the new “Current Status” column in your SRF118 Workflow KPI report. This mirrors the status shown in the Workflow Task panel, and the “Last Actioned By” column, which displays the user who last edited the document.

SRF335 SAM Core Data report enhanced with database IDs

To assist with data archiving, we have improved the SRF335 SAM Core Data report to now include the database IDs within each tab.

No Show Email Templates updated with cost code placeholder

We have added a cost code placeholder to improve the No Show email configurations. You can now easily update the email templates for NoShowTraveller and NoShowDepartment to include the traveller’s cost code in the email notification.

Scheduled reports align with users’ camp permissions

We have improved Workforce Reporting to ensure that scheduled reports align with a user’s limited camp permissions and will display data for camps the user has access to.

Workflow final approvers can change transports without updating the shift status

When the WF parameter ForceRequestorToSelectShiftStatus is set to “Y”, the final approver of a Workflow Site Travel document is no longer required to update the shift status when they re-select a new transport on the same date.




Select multiple swings with the Multiple Remove function

SAM users can now successfully remove multiple swings for a traveller when conducting a removal for multiple travellers.

Resolved Site Error for accommodation Go Shows

A SAM Site error no longer occurs when a user attempts to Go Show an accommodation arrival.

SRF114 Transport Manifest now displays the correct employer

We have resolved an issue where SRF114 Transport Manifest reported the incorrect employer for a traveller due to a previously cancelled transport.

Workflow decline comments now populating email notifications

The following email template tags now populate on the decline email notification: [LASTCOMMENT], [COMMENTLIST] and [REASON].

Resolved offsite booking in a Workflow Folio document

When the parameter ForceRequestorToSelectShiftStatus = Y, requestors can successfully request an offsite booking in a Workflow Folio document.

Improved Workflow Roster robot for future room ownership

The Workflow Roster robot considers the future room ownership of a profile and will confirm the roster booking in line with the future room ownership.

Resources On Site reporting fixed for multiple bookings

The Workforce Reporting report SRF249 Resources On Site has been improved to display accurate transport data when there are multiple same-day bookings.

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