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11 Oct 2024

Introducing the Archive and Restore worksites feature and enhanced report functionality

V 2.18

Available from 18 October 2024


New features


Introducing the Archive and Restore worksites feature

We are excited to introduce the Archive and Restore worksite feature in version 2.18. Worksites enable users to connect contractors, staff and visitors to locations or projects and assign site specific onboarding requirements or track site attendance. This feature provides additional control over the worksites that are required to be managed for your organisation.

The Worksites page includes a new list view. This view displays sites in alphabetical order and provides the following additional information for each site:

  • Worksite name and Address.
  • Status, Restricted flag, and if the Visitor Management System (VMS) is enabled or disabled.
  • Preset name.
  • Contact phone number and email.
  • The calculation for the number of visitors on site, visits today, visits this month and invited.

The list view includes an option to change the displayed columns, and filters to search for sites by name, address, access, status, preset and VMS status. A bulk operation button can be selected to select one or multiple sites for archiving or restoring.

Archiving worksites:

When a worksite is archived, this will:

  • Prevent new connections from new or existing employees, contractor workers and visitors.
  • Maintain existing connections to keep track of who was connected to the worksite.
  • Archive workflow requirements created for the worksite.
  • Recalculate workflow status for all connections by excluding worksite-specific onboarding requirements for archived sites.
  • Capture reasons for archiving a worksite.
  • Disable the visitor management with all signed in visitors being signed out of the worksite.

Information associated with archived worksites can still be accessed in reports, including reporting on worksite activity. The new feature allows one or multiple worksites to be archived simultaneously.

Restoring worksites:

When a worksite is restored, this will:

  • Activate the worksite for new connections.
  • Reinstate the archived workflow requirements.
  • Re-calculate the workflow status based on the connected worksite requirements.

The newly introduced multi-select feature allows you to archive or restore one or multiple worksites simultaneously.

Enhanced report functionality with secure file access and download links

To improve your user experience, reports now include links to download attachments uploaded by users in the form, ensuring access to the files at the time the report is generated. This enables access to copies of documents uploaded at the time the report is generated, even when a new file is uploaded.

To further enhance data security, only users with the appropriate permissions will be able to access the file and view details about the user or contractor when clicking the link in the report.

Updated API documentation layout for improved integration

We are delighted to release an update to the INX Sitepass API documentation, designed to make it easier for you to integrate your internal systems directly with INX Sitepass.

The updated documentation includes:

  • Improved navigation to help users find available APIs and understand their functionality.
  • The ability for users to make API requests directly from the documentation. For example, users can paste in their API key to receive direct responses for their requests.
  • Updated information on responses and error handling to provide clearer guidance.
  • Additional client libraries added to offer example requests and facilitate integration.

The new API documentation can be accessed from the following links:

New APIs for the Visitor Management System

We are excited to announce the addition of new APIs to the INX Sitepass API library, which now includes capabilities for getting, creating, and updating worksite visits.

This new feature ensures seamless integration and accurate tracking of site visits, enhancing our visitor management solution.

These APIs offer you the ability to:

  • Integrate your access control systems directly with INX Sitepass by recording visit information into the INX Sitepass worksite activity. This integration allows INX Sitepass to serve as the source of truth for site visit information, recording this data against each INX Sitepass user.
  • Control when visitors are authorised to check into a site via the access control system. By utilising INX Sitepass workflow status and sign-in rules, the APIs can determine whether a user is permitted to sign in or not.
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