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30 Aug 2024

Automatic date and weather prefill for the Sample creation form and improved Sampler selection with dropdown menu

V 2.8

Available from 29 August 2024




Automatic date and weather prefill for the Sample creation form

We are thrilled to introduce prefilled data in the Sample creation form, simplifying the process by automatically entering the date and weather conditions. INX Preserve automatically pre-fills the Date Sampled field based on the Monitoring Run setup date or the latest sample date. If samples are collected on the same day, the Weather Conditions will also be prefilled.

Improved Sampler selection with dropdown menu

Users no longer need to manually enter the full name of a Sampler when setting up a Monitoring Run or preparing a Chain of Custody. INX Preserve now memorises names of active samplers within a single site and offers a dropdown menu for you to select from. If you need to add new Samplers, they can be added through this improved menu.



Simplified navigation for Consumption tracking

We’ve updated the category and type under Management navigation by moving Consumption to a Type under the Registers category. This enhancement streamlines navigation while preserving full functionality, so you can continue capturing oil and grease data effectively.

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